Posted by: mattfulkes | June 29, 2009

Supervisor Once More

Okay, so I’m back to running the print center at OfficeMax, as the ImPress Supervisor (what I did for almost 2 years when I lived in Acworth.) It won’t be official until they switch me to full time in the computer, and decide what they’re going to pay me now, but I should find out all of that information this week (hopefully tomorrow.)

Right now we’re gearing up for the back to school season at OM. It’s basically our “Christmas”, and things can get crazy at times. We had our BTS meeting tonight, and discussed the new strategies and products that will be in place this year. I don’t know though. I’m gratefully happy and thankful to have a job, but working in retail is NOT where I want to be. I’m doing freelance work at the moment also, but it’s pro bono right now, in the hopes that it will pay off big in the future. *fingers crossed*

Part of my problem is, I’m not sure what, if anything, I really want to do. I have a varied skill set, and know a little about a lot of things, but there’s not any one thing in particular that I’m like, “Yes, THAT”S what I want to do with my life!” I envy the people who grew up knowing what they wanted to be and do in life, and then ended up doing just that. People who were like, “When I grow up, I’m going to be a doctor!” and then that’s just what they did. Those are the lucky people, for the most part anyway, if they actually got to CHOOSE what they wanted to do with their lives, and didn’t have it forced on them by their family or their social status or situation.

As for myself, part of the problem is that many of the things that I’m interested in didn’t exist when I was growing up (or not to the extent that they do today anyway.) Either that or they were out of my price range when I was younger, so I didn’t discover them until I was able to earn money on my own.

I love technology, and I like to work with it (hardware, software, electronics, etc.), but I haven’t had the opportunity to train myself to a level where I can make a life for myself in the business world. Also, I’d rather work for myself, but what would I do? How would I earn enough money to pay my bills, support my wife and I, AND have something left over to enjoy myself with a little (not that I have that now, but you know what I mean)?

These questions bother me daily as I’m plagued with past due bills, businesses and individuals wanting money I don’t have, and numerous other sources of stress that I just don’t need. There’s got to be more to life than this. There’s got to be a better way!

All I have to do is find it…

Posted by: mattfulkes | May 13, 2009

New Twitter Account

I have set up an account on Twitter, solely for the purpose of networking and job hunting. If you would like to add me as a contact and follow me on Twitter, please click here: @MattFulkes. My last few updates will also be posted on this blog, to the right in the sidebar.

I am trying to network with local business owners and like-minded individuals, in the hope of obtaining a new, or at the very least additional job in the area of marketing, advertising, creative design, writing/editing, or computer training.

If you are an employer, and are looking to hire anyone in these particular fields, please contact me and tell me more about your company, and what position you are trying to fill.

And be sure to check back frequently for updates to this site, or follow me on Twitter for daily updates. Thank you.

Posted by: mattfulkes | April 30, 2009

Changes On The Horizon, Perhaps.

I spoke with my manager yesterday about my sudden change in availability. As expected, it put him in somewhat of a bind, but not necessarily in a bad way. He had heard rumors about me “leaving”, and although he’d been leaning towards me as the replacement for the Supervisor position, if I was going to leave within a few months, then he wasn’t sure that he wanted me in that position.

I assured him that I was merely looking for full time employment again, and at least SOMEWHAT better pay, and that I wasn’t going anywhere if the full time position became available. As for the other job situation I’ve hinted about, well it’s going to be quite some time before that becomes a money maker. But when it does, God willing, then I will reassess my situation once again and see where I stand. With an extreme amount of luck, that business adventure will take off, and those of us involved won’t really have to work that much. We’ll just be able to enjoy financial freedom. Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice…

At any rate, this coming week marks the end of classes and graduation for several of our employees at work, and the majority of them have requested anywhere from a few days to the whole week off from work. This has caused no end of trouble for the manager, and he’s now trying to figure out who’s going to be available to work the shifts that need to be covered. He asked me if I needed my availability to change immediately, or if it could hold off for another week, and I assured him that another week would be fine, all things considered. He’s got inventory to focus on at the moment, and that’s where all his attention is being focused, so I can understand that he’s a bit myopic at the moment; it comes with the territory.

All in all though, things seem to be changing for the better. Nothing is set in stone yet, but after 1 more week of crazy open/close/open/close schedules, I should be back where I want to be, if all goes well. So I should have more or less the schedule I want; now I just have to work on the pay. THAT is going to be the hard part.

Posted by: mattfulkes | April 23, 2009

New Job Applications – Time For A Change

Well, I have applied for a couple jobs lately, the most recent one being Event Manager for the Classic Center in Athens. I applied for another position with them a month or so ago, but never heard anything back from them, either positive or negative, so I hope this time around it will be more of a two-way communication sort of thing.

In other news, some of my hours at work seem to have been relegated to others for the past couple of weeks, and I was barely making it before, when I was working 30-35 hours per week. So something must be done. Whether or not they decide to move me into the vacant Supervisor position, after next week, my availability is going to change to Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. That way, if they DO decide to make me Supervisor, I’ll already be working that schedule. And if they don’t, well at least I’ll have more of a set schedule, which will aid in the procurement of a second job, plus free up more time for the new business venture I’m now involved in.

At any rate, changes must be made, and now is the time to make them. I’ve been fairly patient and complacent up until now, and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere, so it’s time to be more proactive, and take a stand. I have a lot to offer the right company who gives me the chance to prove myself, but I’m tired of being taken for granted, and paid on a level far below my worth. It’s time to stop working jobs, and time to start looking for a career!

Posted by: mattfulkes | April 12, 2009

What IS My Perfect Job?

That’s a tough question. I know what my “perfect job” definitely ISN’T! It’s not sitting in an office (or worse, a cubicle) all day, doing mindlessly repetitive work hour after hour, with little variation in day to day business. Some people crave routine, but I am not one of them.

Now don’t get me wrong, I would love to have a set schedule again, where I know exactly what days and times I’ll be working, and when my work week ends, and my week end begins. I just don’t want to be doing the same THING every day; day in and day out. Much like in the music I listen to – except on rare occasions, I HATE repetition. I like to have variation and variety on a daily basis.

That’s the one small benefit of the job I’m in right now (for the most part anyway.) At least in the ImPress Department, we get to deal with a variety of different jobs on a daily basis. Still, in the end, I’m still doing the exact same thing – coming to work, spending 6-9 hours in the department (or the store at the very least), and then going home for a while before coming back the next day and repeating the process over again. This is NOT how I want to live my life any more.

My first step is to get out of retail again. I’ve escaped its grasp several times in the past, but for one reason or another I always seem to get sucked back in (usually because retail companies are quite frequently the only ones hiring with any regularity.) So that is on the top of my agenda – get a job that doesn’t involve retail sales.

I would LOVE a job that allows me to explore my interests in photography/videography and graphic design to a greater extent. I would also welcome the opportunity to travel again, although I don’t want that to be a major factor in my employment. I also won’t relocate, unless I find the PERFECT job, and that seems unlikely, so I’m staying where I am. I miss family when I’m away too long.

Maybe a job that made use of my writing abilities could be fun. I enjoy writing, and I think I’m good at proof reading and copy editing. People often bring written documents to me to have me look them over and make sure they’re “correct.” I can be an excellent creative writer, but I’m also very analytical and would make a decent technical writer too, if I knew the subject. (Although I’d probably be better as one of those people who transcribe technical documents into “layman’s terms”, because I’m good at explaining things to people.) I also have a vivid imagination, and a devious sense of humor that’s matched with a sarcastically quick wit. The pen (and the written word) truly CAN be mightier than the sword, in the hands of a skilled wordsmith.

But getting back to the topic of my perfect job. I really don’t know how to answer that particular question. There’s not a specific JOB that I want to hold, but there are a lot of interests, hobbies, ideas and skills that I want to explore. The trick is getting paid to do just that. I’d love to be like a friend of mine, and get a large grant to do something I enjoy. Barring that though, I’d at least like to find a job doing something that will cheerfully pass the time each day. And if I can be of service and benefit to the human race at the same time, then more power to me!

Posted by: mattfulkes | April 9, 2009

Possible Freelance Work?

Working in the ImPress Department at OfficeMax, I get to meet a lot of people who own their own businesses. Many of them are computer savvy, but quite a few of them are in the dark when it comes to how to operate a computer. Sometimes this is due to age, sometimes just to a general disinterest in the topic, but it never fails to amaze me how some people are so awed when they watch me do things on a computer that are “basic and everyday tasks” for me, but to them it’s like speaking a whole new language. (And in some cases it is, if I happen to be coding in XHTML, CSS, or something similar.)

Several of these people have expressed interest in learning more about computers, and have asked if I could teach them how to do more with a computer; how to use it for something more than checking email and possibly surfing the Internet. This is something I do from time to time – tutoring new computer users, or perhaps individuals who just want to get more use out of the $800 “paperweight” their kids gave them for Christmas. If I’m familiar with a particular software application, or hardware installation, then I’m usually more than happy to assist people in my spare time.

Then there is the other benefit of networking with my customers at work. Sometimes I meet people who are wanting to hire a new employee or assistant to help them with their own job. I’ve recently spoken with business owners who work in Web Design, Graphic Design, and Printing, as well as specialized niches such as Search Engine Optimization and Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Maybe some of these people will be able to send some freelance work my way soon, and I can work from home (since I’m on the computer all the time anyway) to make some extra money. That is the hope anyway.

In the meantime, if you or anyone you know would like to learn more about computers, the Internet, email, blogging, or any other computer related issue, drop me a line. If I’m familiar with the subject, I’d get glad to share what I know!

Thanks for stopping by.

Posted by: mattfulkes | April 9, 2009

Seeking New Employment

Hello, my name is Matt Fulkes.

I currently work in the ImPress Print & Document Services department at the local OfficeMax, but I am looking for a second job, or possibly a change of venue. I hope to work a second job during the evenings and possibly some weekends, but at the moment my schedule is mutable. Should a new opportunity arise however, my schedule will be more open.

I am looking for work that will put my Web and Graphic Design skills to good use, as well as my interest in digital photography, videography, and writing.

This blog will serve as an additional job hunting tool in my search for a new career. If you are an employer, and are looking for someone with my background, please contact me so we can discuss possible employment with your company or organization.

If you would like to view my resume, you may click on one of the following links:

Resume for Matt Fulkes – Word 2007 Version
Resume for Matt Fulkes – Compatibility Version (Word 97-2003)

Thank for for taking the time to view my blog, and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.


Matt Fulkes
